Hello Everyone,

I am sure those of you who were at PHPCamp this year, would remember all
'Openscoial' presentations. As some of us did not had enough of it, so we
decided to organize 'Opensocial Developer Garage' for like minded people on
20th December in Pune.

So if you want to be part of it, get over to
http://developergarage.in/register/ and register yourself , and remember
this is an Invite only events and only 200 will be invited from all over the
country, so rush.

You are interested in presenting/speaking then go over to
http://developergarage.in/speakers/ and submit your proposal .

We are also looking for sponsors so that we can provide lunch, tea, T-shirts
and notepads to participants.  We would love to explore possibilities of
myspace sponsoring this event or a part of it.
Take a look at http://developergarage.in/sponsors/
Budgets are listed here http://developergarage.in/sponsors/budgets/

For more information check http://developergarage.in

Rohan Dighe
Founder & CEO
Social Web Factory.

Blog: http://www.insidesocialweb.com
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:      (plug-mail@plug.org.in)
List Information:  http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail
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