On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 12:15 PM, Rahul Sundaram
> Sriram Narayanan wrote:
>> I visited the fedoraproject.org site just now. I don't any any mention
>> of any security issue there at all. If there is some link on this
>> matter at the fedora site, please post that link here.
> I posted earlier in the thread several announcements send regarding
> this. The latest news is reflected in the top of

Rahul, my point is that even though Fedora and Redhat may have done
the right things, a lesson to learn for future situations would be
perception management. In my company, we run several hundred Linux
boxes (RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu), and we follow news on distros

Rather than have a person like you put your personal credibility to
use on this list (remember I've said earlier in this thread that I am
going to believe what ever you say), I feel that the Fedora and Redhat
organizations should step in as early as possibly with a public
statement on the various accusations being levelled at them. Better
late than never has a lot of value, and while a limited few will whine
about delays, the majority will read the explanations given.

The fact that this thread has continued all these days on this list
says something about the perception and the beating that Fedora and
Redhat are going to take.

> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Main_Page

"New SSH Fingerprints" is all that's mentioned at the top at that wiki
page. A more attention-grabbing line would have come to attention
earlier :)

> Rahul
> --
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