Hi Friends,

There is a job opening at Sun Microsystems for the post of Sun Campus
Coordinator based in Pune under the Sun Campus Ambassador Program.
The job description is as follows:

1. Managing West India colleges in the Sun Campus Ambassador Program
2. Promotion of open source technologies
3. Increasing the network of open source users and developers
4. Coordinating the Campus Ambassadors in different colleges of India
5. Widening the base of participants in Sun technologies like OpenSolaris,
Netbeans and MySQL

The eligibility for the post is as follows:

2. MBA (Optional - Would be a plus)


1. Passion and enthusiasm for open source technologies
2. Good Communication and Networking Skills
3. Basic Technical Skillsets with spreadsheets and OpenOffice
4. Knowledge of Sun Technologies a plus

Eligible and interested people can send in their resumes at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the Subject line:
[CC Pune] Campus Coordinator in Pune

The pay scale shall be intimated to the requested candidates sending the

Ankit Srivastava
Student Coordinator, West India
Sun Microsystems
Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List:      (plug-mail@plug.org.in)
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