On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 10:43 PM, Arun Khan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This was the reason for my OP. I am looking for an app for the
> manufacturing setup.  Most of the web based apps. were suited for
> IT/software industry.

 Well most of the web based PMS suffer from over engineering and under
engineering at the same time. They have too many features for a IT
project and too less features for a non-IT project. Btw did you gave a
shot to openbravo or compiere ? They also have some project management
features and both softwares are geared towards manufacturing industry
instead of service sector.
> Vivek, does openproj open the MSO 2K7 Proj. format?

 I dont know what is MSO 2K7 proj format but open proj can open mpp
and mpx format along with MS proj 2003 xml format.

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