Sandip Saini of NRC-FOSS is doing his PhD in a study of foss  
methodologies. As part of his work, he is trying to compile a set of  
FOSS success stories. Definition:

Documenting the success stories of FOSS implementation in India--
Nature, Scope and Methodology of the study.

The goal of the study is to bring out into public a reliable and
independent compilation of some instances where FOSS implementation has
been carried out successfully in India.
           A 'success' in this context is defined as one where there has
been an acceptance of at least one FOSS  technology or solution
across at least one unit of organisation – a department, a
project, an enterprise or  an institution – either public or
private, either IT or non-IT. In other words, an individual who
uses only FOSS for his/her needs would not qualify for being
considered a success in this context; it has to be an
organisational entity/unit. The best case would be where an
entire large enterprise (a government department say like Indian
Railways, a private corporation like an IT major or an
Automobile manufacturing company, etc) has completely switched
over to FOSS for all its IT and Computing needs, and the least
acceptable instance would that of a small unit of an enterprise
(one department of a University, one section of a company or
government organisation,etc) that have started  using mainly
FOSS for at least one significant part of its operations. All
instances between these two limiting cases would of course be
acceptable too.

We would be happy if members of these lists could suggest places he  
could investigate. You may contact him at:

also feel free to post such things in this list.



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