On Thursday 29 May 2008, Desi Penguin wrote:
> Hello,
> I happened to look at one at croma store in Ishanya mall. I was
> impressed.

I have one.  It is kick ass.  It comes with a customized version of 
Xandros.  All the components work in the installed OS - no driver 
issues.  Asus has announced a SDK for 3rd party apps.

It has WiFi, LAN, 3 USB ports, card reader, VGA out, webcam, ethernet.  
Just about all the features a biz person would need to get her/his job 

Networking, ethernet OK,  WiFi OK with WPA (no WPA2 support), usb 
tataindicom data card OK.  I believe it can also boot from a USB stick 
but I have not verified it.

A few hackers have a customized Ubuntu to replace Xandros; search 
the 'Net.


Arun Khan

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