On Saturday 17 May 2008, ഓം wrote:
> 1. This is just a curiosity... but how many of free software
> evangelists who are for some reason required to use Windows OS ( even
> for just a sneak peak) for some specific purpose (in भारत) care to
> buy a Liesensed OS?

The winxp licensed version came pre-installed on my notebook.  I did not 
delete it for such needs.  Client systems - ask them to get it 
installed by their hardware vendor.

> 2. And how many try to promote Free and Open Source Softwares around
> proprietary OS with an ultimate AIM to transition to Linux based
> setup?  This is a slow and steady way of winning trust of your कष्टमर
> which also needs lot of efforts, dedication and devotion...

Try to do a pilot project e.g. Linux desktop.  Some get comfortable and 
accept it, some go back to doze.  win some loose some.

Arun Khan

Arun Khan

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