On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 12:02 AM, Yogesh Hasabnis
>  No specific reason for evaluating Ubuntu. In fact the tools that are 
> developed in our organization are supposed to work on Red Hat/Fedora OSs 
> only. But have a heard a lot about Ubuntu being very user-friendly. We have 
> been using FC3 as our desktop OS till now. But since it's quite an old OS now 
> we will be upgrading it to some newer OS.Some of the users in our team just 
> wanted to test how good Ubuntu is as against Fedora as a Desktop OS!

Oh, FC3 is quite old now, so you might find both Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 and
the soon-to-be released Fedora 9 (May 13?) more user-friendly, I guess
you can try both.

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