We are not against LUG. In fact LUG is a kind of environment which encourages such initiatives.

The idea to create a separate group is very simple. Where major focus of LUG is to bring awareness of Linux. In Linux Creative Group we focus more on the implementation of ideas.

Now this idea can be anything - a simple concept, a research work, an idea of a project or some business plans. More or less it's an effort to combine all those people who are from a Linux
background and intend to start something new.

+ We would welcome any suggestion or feedback on the above ideas.


Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:

On 18-Apr-08, at 2:19 PM, Subhransu Behera wrote:

In this meeting we'll focus on division of our work and creating Bugzilla ticket for tracking the individual sub-tasks. We'll welcome other creative ideas which
any of you would like to share.

Looking forward to see many of you in the meeting.

I am not intending a flame here, but I cannot understand why you are not doing this within the LUG framework


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