On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 12:08 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves
>  On 10-Apr-08, at 10:56 AM, ഓം wrote:
> >
> http://www.mandriva.com/enterprise/en/company/press/mandriva-presents-its-latest-distribution-mandriva-linux-2008-spring
> >
> > would be interesting to see what new things are out there...
> >
>  do you know if that ipset error in starting shorewall is fixed in this?

Per my last search (and analysis) ipset error in the shorewall was
caused in the kernels section and (I believe) kernel programmers were
aware of it.  That was with .17 kernel.  So i would assume it would
have been fixed in the later kernels.  Spring 2008 features kernel
.24, so I am inclined to believe that could have been fixed.

However as we often find out, Murphy's law holds good on many
occasions and people have to worry about Confusi-ous/on caused :-)
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