On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 6:34 AM, Kenneth Gonsalves
>  due to people confusing the terms, not much is being done in l10n in
>  India. That is why I would like to emphasise on distinguishing the terms

Thanks for the illuminating explanation.  My comment was more
regarding the so called internationalisation efforts, e.g. in Fedora 8
/ KDE / Ubuntu 7.10, where only a very few menu items are changed to
Indic languages, and the system as a whole throws up messages in
English.  In some cases, the keyboard layout is changed to suit the
boilerplate language selection, which is actually absurd because the
changes are only cosmetic where it counts.

If there is a community effort to internationalise the system, IMHO,
there should be two teams - one only works on translating all text
(and does not have to bother about learning a new keyboard layout),
while the other works only on entering it in the source with whatever
keyboard layouts and Unicode implementations they choose.

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