Hi, There are opportunities that exist for the following positions at Qvantel. We are growing, and are looking for more people to join us to work with FOSS!
1. Software Engineer - Tools (Code: JDC10 07-20) Requirements: * C, C++ programming experience. * Anjuta/Eclipse IDE experience. * Know-how of autotools (automake, automake, libtools), and Makefiles. * Know-how of Debian package management system. * Experience with cvs/svn. * Prior experience with Scratchbox, Maemo. * Knowledge of Qemu, gcc, toolchain internals. * Experience in Free/Libre/Open Source projects, and know-how on how to work with the Free/Libre/Open Source community (IRC, forums, mailing lists, wiki etc.). * Attitude to solve problems. 2. Software Engineer - Mobile Terminals Application Development (Code: JDC10 07-21) Requirements: * C, GTK+, data structures programming experience. * Know-how of UI design. * Good debugging skills. * Understanding of D-Bus, a plus. * Prior experience in Maemo development environment, a plus. * Experience in Free/Libre/Open Source projects, and know-how on how to work with the Free/Libre/Open Source community (IRC, forums, mailing lists, wiki etc.). * Attitude to solve problems. Common for both job requirements: Location: Hyderabad. Traveling opportunities exist. Experience: Years of experience doesn't matter as long as the individual has the attitude, and passion to work with Free/Libre/Open Source software. Position-type: Full-time, regular employment. To apply: Send your resume in .txt or .pdf format to raunak dot mahajan at qvantel dot com (CC to shakthi dot kannan at qvantel dot com), with job title and job code in the e-mail subject line. References: http://www.qvantel.com -- Shakthi Kannan http://www.shakthimaan.com -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.