On 26-Dec-07, at 11:06 AM, Nishit Dave wrote:

I'm currently using a MotoRokr E6, and my experience has been very good.
The phone almost never hangs, has a good feature set (but lacks EDGE
capability), and is not expected to catch a virus.  It has an Opera
min-browser, viewer for common document formats, pdf and images, image
editor, Realplayer, reads standard SD cards up to 2GB. I use it as an ebook
reader at times.

http://www.gsmarena.com/motorola_rokr_e6-1810.php says,
EDGE(Class 10, 236.8 kbps) is supported. Will try to have a look at docs
from motorola's site.

Battery is OK. It was one of the first to offer a standard headset jack,
and a mini USB slot for charging as well as access.

There are lots of computers with USB around us where phone can be

It has a very few niggles, the major one being a tiny qwerty on-screen
keyboard for typing messages - there is an alternative ABCD progression keyboard for searching names etc., but surprisingly it is not available for messaging. This being a touchscreen-only phone, not recommended if you like
to use it while driving.

Also in direct sunlight you may not be able to dial easily.


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