
Thanks for all your replies.

>if she participates on this forum (PLUG mailing list) people could
>actually help many alongwith her who may have problem like hers.  I

She needs to get the laptop configured to get the internet access :)

>And... just a sidenote... Maybe people who messed up the settings do
>know just how to *click click* even in windows.

I would think so too.

>'Network Manager' is very convenient for configuring and connecting to
>wireless networks. If it is not present in your current Ubuntu

Network manager is already installed.

>If she can come to upcoming PLUG meeting to be held on 5th Jan

Jan 5 seems to be a long way off :(

I am hoping somebody would be able to set it up for her. It is nice to
see so many people up to offer help right away and getting immediate
replies to mails.


Be the change you wish to see in the world
                                           M. K. Gandhi

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