
Looks like coding is becoming the *in* thing now. This is a good trend
and should give some good contribution to the FOSS community.
Read the announcement below for the codecamp.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ankur Gupta <versesane at yahoo.com>
Date: Nov 7, 2007 5:38 PM
Subject: Announcement - CodeCampMumbai ( 17th - 18th Nov 2007 )
To: ankurbpatel at gmail.com


If you enjoy coding, then you should participate at CodeCampMumbai
(17th & 18th of Nov).

CodeCampMumbai caters to the community of CodeCampers, bound by the
"culture" of Hackathons and is based upon "open participative and
collaborative" nature of BarCamps.

At CodeCampMumabai you code for 24 hours straight with like minded
people on ideas that interest you.

Take a look at CodeCampMumbai wiki ( http://barcamp.org/CodeCampMumbai ) and
see what Campers will be coding. Contact the project coordinator if
you want to collaborate on the project. In case you have an idea, then
list it on the wiki, and be part of the camp.

Date:: 17th - 18th Nov 2007
Register at:: http://barcamp.org/CodeCampMumbai
Venue:: IIT-B Mumbai
Mailing list:: http://groups.google.com/group/codecampmumbai


Ankur Gupta (http://uptosomething.in)
Akshay Surve (http://www.akshaysurve.com/blog)

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