On 11/4/07, Vivek Khurana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Nov 4, 2007 6:02 PM, ಓಂ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Coming to the topic... using recursion successfully should qualify you > > for spot close to the top if you could get it right because of > > If you can ge tthe things right you come close to the spot even if > you code using maximum lines of code.
Yes and No.. usually the target of anyone is to get the highest grade and with that in mind the choice is equivalent to ..... shall I study for IIT JEE or shall I put full efforts on class XII board exams etc... :-) {Very few can think of using recursion (read studying both in same stroke)} Your time allowed is limited for everything that matters.. otherwise a wisecrack by a wellknown CEO in silicon valley few years back was "Linux is the best choice if one had infinite (read ample) free time" could become applicable to us...
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