Dear all,

Here is a report about how FOSS is now spreading outside the main
cities and reaching in rural areas.. is a platform of IT professional for free software
Please check out and read the Parbhani Declaration.

They conducted a workshop in Parbhani (marathwada) on 29-30 September.
Here is some part from their report: ( contact me offlist for the full
report. I was not able to communicate with them in time as the
mail/SMS reached us late) workshop was held at B. Raghunath Auditorium at
Parbhani nearly 125 participants attended this workshop for two days.
The participants includes It professionals, Training Center
Coordinators, Computer Students, Officials and Employees, self
employed youth. The participants were from the remote places to
district headquarter of Nanded, Parbhani, Hingoli and Jalna Districts.
Participation of girls and women  above 1/3rd of participants.
Participation was from all cast and religion.

Presentation & Discussions:
Mr Kiran Chandra (Hydrabad) inaugurated the workshop and put forward
the concept and objective of Free Software movement in India.
Mr. Sarath (Hydrabad) presented the roll and technology of free
software movement through which he presented a complete set of
alternative technology.
Mr Kiran Chandra then explained the efforts and participation of
community in the swecha project.
Declaration has been made in the workshop on behalf of
By Mr. Rajan Kshirsagar.

Future Task and Planning:
The will deliver a marathi localization project through
web based framework till 1 May 2008 the( International Workers Day and
Maharashtra Day). will campaign the declaration made in the workshop to
the IT community and concerned people and authorities. will strive to create awareness & debate about
recommendations of National Knowledge Commission will organize such workshops in marathwada, vidarbha,
khandesh, south Maharashtra regions of Maharashtra. will workout the alternatives for school content on
desktop and net for the schools. will workout the alternatives for self employed youth
in DTP and Publication, and SOHO businesses.
To form a tech support team to help out the technologies for user and
professionals of Free Software.


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