On 10/17/07, Aditya Laghate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/17/07, Roshan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Anukalp,
> >
> > You fail to realize, that your address book has public
> > mailing list email addresses and that people are not
> > interested in reading advertisements there.
> The funnier part is that the list moderation rules, simply fail to
> arrest an advertisment, but on the other hand manage to arrest a
> regular post to the list!!!
/!\ ALERT!  Shelfari.com, a site that professes to unite book lovers, asks
for your (gmail) account password so it can "tell you if any of your
contacts are using" the service.  I wonder how many would fall for this
trick.  Oh, and there is the standard footnote that tells you they won't
store your login information!

Small sacrifice for getting access to your address book!  Probably that was
how I got the invitation mail in the first place.
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