On 10/11/07, Vishal Rao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 10/11/07, ಓಂ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Looking forward to getting my hands on 2008
> I've tried the "One" 2008.0 KDE Live CD this morning. Nothing great
> IMO.

That's probably more appropriate for me (nothing great)  I don't like
the learning curve everytime they release a new version...  Maybe
that's what PlanIX has great about it...  exactly same user experience
despite years of development.  (But again I have yet not tried Plan9)

> My suggestion is to avoid it unless it is the only distro that
> supports your hardware etc which others like Ubuntu or openSUSE won't
> :-)
> I prefer Ubuntu for GNOME and openSUSE for KDE, currently running
> openSUSE 10.3 (works smoothly) and might switch to Ubuntu 7.10 when it
> comes out next week, just for the desktop effects!

I don't know but OpenSUSE might try to erase my old data unless I take
care of installing it with care so for the time being I will wait for
more feedback to come this way.
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