Message: 4
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 14:21:45 +0530
From: "Sameer Oak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [PLUG] BSD, FC-7 and Debian CDs...
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1


I need following variants of UNIX and Linux:
1> FreeBSD 6.2 and OpenBSD 4.1
2> Fedora core 7
3> Debian Linux 4.0

How can I get them?

- sameer oak.

I already have all 3 DVD iso's of Debian 4.0r
I also have FC 7 DVD iso
Free BSD / OpenBSD DVD images or cd iso's?

But sorry I think i cant give it to you. I had bad experience last month. 1
user asked me for OpenSuSe 10.3 alpha release 6 DVD. I downloaded and burnt
the image. He didn't come to pick the DVD. ( I am not interested to mention
his name..)  Earlier  1 guy was asking for FC 6 cd's. He returned those cd's
to me because  cd test failed. He didn't try to perform installation without
testing cd's. I used same cd set and it worked. After those incidents I feel
its not worth to give out Open Source softwares. Anyway. You can ask to
Sudhanwa for the same.
          Most Open Source fans think that its for free. Doesn't matter DVD
or CD. They don't calculate the amount the person spends to buy a DVD, the
amount of valuable time he spent to make it available for you.

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