I downloaded MySQL for Solaris 9.0 from MySQL site. MySQL is not working at
all. When I run "mysqld" daemon it fails to load. Giving many erros
including socket permission, port etc etc.
I sent query at OpenSolaris forum under "Database" section. I am shocked,
nobody knows knows MySQL troubleshooting on Solaris. In 10 days i did a lot
of searching on Google. Even MySQL itself dont have troublehooting document
for MySQL on Solaris.
    Any1 out here tried MySQL on Solaris before? Got those common errors?
In few forums I found solution is to restart Solaris server. I cant do that
as developers are using the server 24x7 , 365 days. And I dont think Solaris
need a reboot for these installations. Any work around ?

My server is Sun Sparc server  running Solaris 9 .


Amey Abhyankar.
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