2007/7/20, Udayraj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Thus I think any distro with xfce would do.
> So then better to go for distro with large developer and community base.
> So I recommend xubuntu.
Xubuntu does not support all media types that's why I suggested Zenwalk or
Dreamlinux. My personal choice is xubuntu though.

I havent used the latest xubuntu. But I guess they have a feature like
windows, wherein if the condex is not present, it connects to the net and
installed the proper codex.

Also I feel that the user should take into account the strength of the
distro - ie the distro should be present say after 3 years or 5 years...
Xubuntu is in a better posistion of being sustained longer than the other

A question:
Out of the 3 distros, which has the maximum softwares in its repo?
Above also should be considered.

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