On 7/9/07, श्रीधर नारायण दैठणकर <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Monday 09 July 2007 11:32, Nishit Dave wrote:
> Still, my primary suggestion is to unequivocally suggest Edubuntu (or any
> of your favourite distributions having an education flavour, if you have a
> good point, but it will only fracture the original one). It may have
> proprietary drivers, but at least IS Linux. It should be a good start for
I never liked that move of ubuntu but I don't use it anyways. Note that binary
modules violates GPL/mark the kernel as tainted and they are illegal.
pardon my ignorence here but can you explain it in more detail,
"marking the kernel as tainted..."
to understand more about any licensing issues there are certain
keywords and phrases (which can play potentially notorious role in
future handling of the so licensed software) which need to be
One such phrase is "Perpetuating the Freedom". This search phrase
throws bunch of links which are worth reading to understand what
positive and negative sides any such a blanket clause can have on
anything that is called a license... it's history on parallel to the
"Four Freedoms" as immitated from American constitution are also worth
noting since this is What GNU GPL tries by copylefting. Trying to
restrict my opinions to the software freedom issue and ignoring the
drawbacks of what it tries to emulate in principle will be very short
sighted.. hence these comments (and one may disregard them at own
There is a book called "Ominous Parallels" written by someone which
maybe worth reading to understand the depth of the issues...
humbly my opinion!
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