Thanks Roshan for your response. I have already written to him. Hopefully
something will work out.

@PLUG Community: Perhaps it would be a really great idea for PLUG to
facilitate the availability of the 4 DVD set to popularize usage of Ubuntu!

What say?


On 6/12/07, Roshan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

--- Aniruddha Khadkikar wrote:

> Can anyone help me in getting the entire Ubuntu
> repository on DVD? According
> to the Ubuntu-Indonesia website, it requires 4
> DVD's.

Please check the following page:

Only one from B'lore has it. Co-ordinate over email
and may be you can get a copy of them.

FSF of India Associate Fellow -
S K Somaiya College of ASC-
ubunturos @ freenode

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