Hi, Yesterday I installed Solaris 10 on my laptop. I went for full installation with 10 gb hard disk space. No XP or any other Windows OS installed. But 1 20 gb FAT32 partition is available on my hdd. Open SuSe 10.2 also exists on the same hdd. After installing Solaris 10, it failed to add Open SuSe 10.2in boot loader & also did not mount FAT32 volume. When I said df -k it shows c0d0 ( the hdd number ) which is my FAT32, but ..Hmm ! How to mount ??? And to get my SuSe back, shall I rewrite bootloader with LILO bootloader of Linux OS ?
Java GUI seems fine with Star office 7.0 version and Solaris succesfuly detected my sound card, video chip, ethernet, wireless too. It was amazing to see Java GUI. Is it neccesary to turn on NFS & then mount Windows volume on it ? I am confused. While installing , Soalris prompted me if I want to upgrade to NFS 4.4 . I was not sure and said NO. May be I did mistake....Any help ? Regards, -- Amey Abhyankar. -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.