On 5/29/07, Mayuresh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I wasn't so happy with the customer service people. You feel like talking
to a
machine and at times have to act as if you are following all their
instructions such as unplug the card and place it back, click on xyz icon
what not! If you don't, the conversation would just get stuck there. And
you say Linux it will just end!

But we can't really get people with networking knowhow on the line. I'm
it will be hard to get answers to above class of queries from any ISP's
customer service.

I had the same problem - finally dropped out from VSNL.  Another issue with
the ACNAME hack is that it is case sensitive.

This January, I registered a domain name with VSNL- www.davelok.com.  I
could not configure it to work with Google Apps.  So I rented server space
from VSNL and tried to host my site there.  Didn't work.  Called up customer
service innumerable times.  They promised resolution in times ranging from
'24 hours' to 'some working days'.  Never worked.

Their control panel doesn't work.  You can't get past their call centre to
speak to a technical person.  In short, VSNL is Teh Suxx0r.  They SUCK.

I don't know how ISPs with such callous attitude are allowed to operate.  I
had also threatened by email taking them to consumer court.  No reply.
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