2007/5/15, श्रीधर नारायण दैठणकर <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Tuesday 15 May 2007 08:01, Ameet Gholap wrote:
> I think s/w patents are not recognised in India/majority of asian and
> european countries and hence this article is useless...

Umm? How? I mean they are valid in US so there is a problem in US and free
software users all around the world should be taking notice and
the consequences. Everybody has heard the story of rat, ping and bull
Saying that it is not my problem is worst thing one can do.

I can understand if you don't agree with software patent but that does not
mean you should ignore them.


What I am saying is that US is been given undue importance.
Its high time we start thinking in our context.

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