Arun Tomar wrote:
| 2. Would any additional configuration be necessary on the three machines?
| 3. The wireless router in picture, could it be a:
|        a. D-Link DI - 524 Wireless Access Point Router (approx Rs 2.7K)
|        b. Linksys Wireless-G Broadband Router WRT54G (approx Rs 3K)
|   Any reviews?

I would recommend linksys. WRT54G can dial to your ISP using PPPoE. It
has also provides DHCP server.
No idea regarding DI524.
linksys wireless router has a technical problem, after sometime it automatically disconnects the connection & then tries to reconnect it. i don't remember the exact model no. but one of my client has that hardware.

I wouldn't buy anything other than a WRT54G - a flash upgrade might help fix the issue mentioned here.

I am using 2 WRT54G's with BSNL PPPoE without issues. I have had a Netgear and a D-Link before this. The WRT54G wins in terms of signal strength, administration and practical design of the router (in terms of size, weight of adapter etc.).

- Santosh



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