On 4/26/07, Nawaz Patel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 4/26/07, Ritesh Khadgaray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hiya,
> On Wed, 2007-04-25 at 14:35 +0530, Nawaz Patel wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > How do I change the console screen resolution, I have a large
> > screen and 80*25 chars look bad on it. Options mentioned on web like
> I assume, you are using text mode for work
> Check out "vga=ask" kernel option while booting.
This worked. At boot-up I am asked to hit <RETURN> then I have to
'scan' for additional screen modes, which gives me a screen mode list
Mode: cols/rows
b 0123 132x60
I selected 'b', it gave me a good resolution.
The problem is doing all this everytime I boot, I had previously tried
'vga=799' and other codes, but they don't work.
Can this process be automated, I wonder what the code '0123' means here.
copy-pasting chart
| 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024
256 | 0x301 0x303 0x305 0x307
32k | 0x310 0x313 0x316 0x319
64k | 0x311 0x314 0x317 0x31A
16M | 0x312 0x315 0x318 0x31B
in decimal
| 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024
256 | 769 771 773 775
32k | 784 787 790 793
64k | 785 788 791 794
16M | 786 789 792 795
Try these values and check what is the biggest resolution you graphics
card/monitor is supporting.
Then hardcode that value in /boot/grub/menu.lst if you are using grub
or /etc/lilo.conf if you are using lilo.
> > using X and kernel recompile for framebuffer support don't work for
> > me.
concentrate on /device_drivers/graphics and
/device_driver/character_devices/agpgart_support while configuring
kernel. enable most of the options in this section(except enabling
graphics card support which is not isntalled on your system).
I am running a bare kernel 2.6.9-22, and don't want to use X.
Thats cool. You can listen music and see videos without X.
Check: mplayer -vo help
> > Anybody knows a simpler way?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Nawaz
> >
> Ritesh Khadgaray
> ॐ मणि पद्मे हूँ
> LinuX N Stuff
> Ph: +919970164885
> Eat Right, Exercise, Die Anyway.
yogesh chavan
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