[Fri, 13/04/07 at 16:27 +0530] Aditya Godbole wrote:
> On 4/10/07, Nishit Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Time to fix the attribution (^)

> [snip]
> Well, there happens to be one called 'mutt', but then its not
> 'user-friendly'. I will probably get flamed now for suggesting such
> antique and cryptic software.

Flamed for suggesting mutt!? :-)

But still if you insist,

*lights up the stove, puts Aditya on top of it* ;-)

user-friendly, no-brainer and similar attributes all ok, but what many
really look out for is something like, "I want the best-in-breed for 
each application I use"; search generally stopping at, mutt for email, 
tin for news, w3m for browser, vi for editing ... 

How do the Finns do this They win the rallies but theres only five
million of them; weve had Keke Rosberg, Mika Hakkinen, now Kimi
Raikkonen, its a big percentage from a small country isnt it...

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