On 4/19/07, A G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi All, Can anyone lend me Ubuntu LTS 6.06? Pl contact me offline on my id. Thanks. ~A.
Unless there is a specific reason (e.g Long Term Support offered by 6.0.6) I suggest you wait just a day or two (April 19th to be precise, possibly South Africa time), Ubuntu will release their latest version 7.04 -DP -- On the internet, no one knows you are a penguin Check my blog at http://desipenguin.blogspot.com/ -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.