This may sound little (a lot) rude but there is detailed instructions about setting up Asterix somewhere on the internet, I forgot the site. I had downloaded all the PDFs sometime back. They totalled 20 in qty. and amounting to total 12~13MB. Before asking for help it would be wise to locate+read that, form your strategy of setting up asterix and take help only where necessary.
From the sounds of it, it looks like you want step by step
instructions on manufacturing a ferari...[if you permit this poor analogy!] If you read the documentation which is available for Asterix and then ask for help that would make more sense to all. And if you already have read it, it is not clear from your message. * -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: ( List Information: Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.