On 3/21/07, Ranjit Bhonsle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's called distro fatigue. There comes a point in time when people start
> to look beyond bragging rights about successful install and driver
> insertion, and want to get some work done.
Ya, I guess people work with computers. I use it mostly for information
gathering, computing my taxes and an occasional game. But all of that
pales off when a new fedora or in recent times Ubuntu is launched. I have
to have it and install it. The kind of kick that gives me is second only to
installing a new piece of hardware....which is very rarely.
+1 to this. I share your joy for trying out a new distro. Thanks to
this, I've discovered Belenix, and am going to start working on my own
Belenix release sometime soon.
-- Sriram
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