Hello Mr. Anand Kulkarni

I read your post regarding Open Office in Government Organisations.
And I fully agree with you that government should not spend public money for
purchasing MS Office Licenses when Open Office is available for free.

We are running a Non Government Organisation 'Grahak Raja Jaga Ho' working
in the field of consumer awareness & awareness about Right to Information

'Grahak Raja Jaha Ho' is ready to take your issue seriously & I find
following plan to force government organisations to use Open Office.
1) To get all  information about funds spend for purchasing MS Office
Licenses during the financial year 2006-2007.
    We can get this information by using Right to Information Act 2005. To
start with we can collect the information from Pune District.
2) We can compile a report about funds spend on MS Office Licenses by
different Government Organisation from Pune District. And I am sure the
figure will touch at least 1 Crore.
3) We will get the report published in all News Papers / News Channels. This
will help us to gather MASS support.
4) We can file a PIL (Public Interest Litigation) asking Why Government is
spending Crores of rupees on MS Office Licenses when Open Office is
available for free.

Thanks with Regards

Manoj Ovhal
Pramukh Pracharak
"Grahak Raja Jaga Ho"
URL : http://www.grahakraja.org

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