I am Santam working a resident in radiation oncology in PGI Chandigarh. I
decided to shift over to Linux about a month ago after I got tired of the
security problems in Windows and the fact  that it is becoming a drag on my
system. I have Ubuntu Linux 6.10 installed in my computer and I am quite
happy with it except for one major problem i.e. I have been unable to get my
Billion BIPAC 7000 modem working with it. Please bear with me as I attempt
to describe the problem in details as I am a newbie in Linux and would like
to outline each and every step as I have done it. My problem is that while I
have tried the solutions posted in the Ubuntu forums but I am unable to
compile the source code of cxacru-fw. I have downloaded the tar.gz file
(cxacrufw_1.2.orig.tar.gz) and burned it on a CD.
After booting into Ubuntu I first copied the tar.gz file into my desktop and
then opened the terminal window where I unpacked the tarball with the tar
xvjf command and another folder appeared in the desktop named
Using the cd command I went into the newly created directory where 4 files
were listed:
3. Makefile
4. cxacru-fw.8.gz
In the same directory I typed  ./configure command. It immediately stated no
such command. I tried combinations like .\configure , configure etc but none
Undaunted I went to the next step thinking since the makefile exists
probably the make command will work. When I issued the make command (typed
make) no cxacru-fw.8.bin appeared as it should have. I have the entire
output of the command with me and I will be appending it towards the end of
the letter.
I would be really thankful to anyone who can help me in this one. I am a
noob a Linux but l would like to get to know it better and the only way to
do it would be to work on it.
Sorry for the longish letter but I am really stuck here
Dr Santam Chakraborty
Department of Radiotherapy
Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
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