Dear all,

We are happy to announce a next batch for Linux
Training on Enterprise Linux Servers, to make you a
perfect Linux Administrator practically and also
prepares for Certification exams!

The batch details:

Linux Certification Training
Duration : 5 days - Full time
Starting date: 20th JAN. 
Syllabus: Entire coverage for certification exam with
extra labs!
Course Outline:
   1. What is and why Linux?
   2. Installation of Linux - Remote Installation
   3. Using GNOME and KDE - Desktop Environments
   4. Managing Linux using graphical tools
   5. Basic Unix commands - file and user management
   6. Understanding Linux boot process
   7. File system Administration and Quota management
   8. Kickstart installation and Software management
   9. User and Group management
  10. System administration and Printing Server - CUPS
  11. Linux Services, RAID and LVM Configuration
  12. The Apache Web & Squid Proxy Server
  13. NFS and Samba (SMB) Server
  14. Domain Name Service (BIND)
  15. Electronic Mail - Sendmail/Pop3/Imap Server
  16. OpenSSH and DHCP Server
  17. The X Window - Server
  18. Setting Security and Firewall
  19. Troubleshooting and System Recovery
  20. Extra Troubleshooting labs 

What You get in this training?
Full hands-on training, with extra troublshooting labs
+ 1 Installation DVD + 1 Server Setup CD(required if
you  don't have DVD drive) + 1 Complete Documentation
and E-books CD + 1 Copy of Notes covering all topices
listed above.
+ most important: Support for your entire life from

Trainer: Manoj S. Mahajan, having 13 Yrs of training
expertise + Certified with MCSE, MCSE-Security,
MCSE-Messaging, MCSA, MCSA-Security, MCSA-Messaging, 
Cisco's CCNA, and RHCE from RedHat.

We can manage corporate training at your site, and
implementing Linux Servers, plus maintaining AMC

Other certification offers: 
 - MCSE (2+1/2 months) 
 - MCSE Specialisation like Security and Messaging
 - MCSA with Security or Messaging
 - CCNA (2 months) 
 - Wireless Net.& Securities  (1 month) 
 - H/w & Networking (2 months) 
 - MS-Exchange 2007 (1 month) 
 - MS-ISA 2006 Enterprise Ed.(1 month) 

Batches: Morning-Evening or Part/FullTime, Sat-Sunday!

For more details, please call me on 9423022370 or mail
me on manojmahajan2010 at


Have a Nice day!

Manoj S. Mahajan
"Freelance trainer with 13 yrs of Expertise!"
   MCSE 2003+MCSE-Security+MCSE-Messaging, 
   MCSA 2003+MCSA-Security+MCSA-Messaging 
   and RHCE
   M: 9423022370

Please Note: 
1. We are not authorized training center (ATC) or not
related to any company, from Linux or MS world.
We are only committed to quality training, to give you
a complete knowledge and make perfect administrator! 

2. Don't go for Certification only, it's only a piece
of paper! Learn from experts to make your career
success, with "Perfect-Knowledge of the System". 

Happy learning!

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