On 12/21/06, G Karunakar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 12/21/06, Somesh Bartakke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Grt !
> Karunakar is staying physically far away from Pune ,
> but answer shows , he is really Integrated Part of PLUG, :)
> cheers !!
My first plug meet was sometime in august 1999 @ morelinux office in aundh..!!
If there is no need to go beyond "de-facto" (by which I guess you mean
unofficial) meetings, then I guess for what it's worth, I'd rather
take back my suggestion of more frequent meetings.
And there definitely is no reason to undermine a meaningful
discussion, whether it happens as a PLUG monthly meeting or across a
table tucked away in Rupali. But, if the real intent is to spread the
use and understanding of technology rather than to form a cabal of
mutual back-patters ( and this is not an oblique reference to you Mr
Karunakar, so no disrespect meant to you ), then I guess it is a
better idea to document these meetings on the PLUG mailing list as
well, on a regular basis.
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