On 12/13/06, Vikrant Birajdar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi All,

I have bought HP Compaq 3070tu laptop, and now i want to install some
good Linux OS on it,
I tried Fedora 5 and Suse 10, but both OS doesnt seems to be compatible
Theres no sound and Screen resolution is 800x600 (not able to change
it), I tried to change the  resolution by editing xorg.conf file but
no use.
So pls could anybody tel me which OS could be compatible with my laptop

Best OS in laptops is Ubuntu. Get the Latest Ubuntu Edgy Eft. It is
specially designed to support many laptop hardwares.

Second problem is I have installed fedora 5 on one of PC, but it is
not able to play sound, what could be possible reason??
sound card is realtek.

Its the basic problem every linux starter gets. :) The sound card will be
detected for sure. Check System > Administration > Soundcard Detection.

Install two packages, xmms and mpg123 to get the mp3 support.


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Pushparajan V
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lifetime=others(love).length(); }
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