well i want to put up a different challenge here.

the situation is this

A machine======INTERNET=========Router+++(My LAN++++1 machine, 2 machine

by this diagram what i wanted to explain was that suppose there is some
machine on the internet say (A machine) which is directly connected to
internet.... but on the contrary i've a router/adsl modem sitting at my
& behind that i've My LAN where there can be n number of computers.

now the point is that if i want to connect or access the (A machine )
through ssh from my internal machine, i can do that . but if i want to
my internal machine that is behind a router/adsl modem, i cannot.

Challenge is that how can i connect to my local machine from the internet.

Hi Arun

Port Forwarding is the solution. I have not tried it personaly, but you can
see the howtos on http://www.portforward.com/routers.htm

shirish bandarkar

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