On 6 Nov 2006 07:53:33 -0000, chaitanya Ralegaonkar <

I am a kernel newbie currently searching a job in Linux as a programmer. I
am currently pursuing M.E. from V.I.T.,Pune. I wanted to know where
and  how should I search job in this area. AFAIK mostly one should have 2+
years of experience to work in kernel programming area.
So can any one please suggest me companies where I can apply as a fresher.
I am sorry if I had broke rules regarding posting on the mailing list.

Check out www.kernelnewbies.org. There, they have some advice for people
who are freshers in this area. They recommend that if you don't get a job as
a programmer, then get one as a system admin.

Thank you all,

You are welcome,

   Prateek Tandon.

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