I got this 11th Jan mail today!!

----- Original Message ----
From: Amol Chawathe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: plug-mail@plug.org.in
Sent: Wednesday, 11 January, 2006 12:20:54 AM
Subject: [PLUG] [COMMERCIAL] PHP Developers with good linux knowledge

Hello Friends,


Fountainlabs is looking for young and dynamic individuals who have
experience in PHP/MySQL 

and good knowledge of web 2.0 standard. 


Ideal candidate should complete 2 years in PHP development. 

More than 5 project cycles. 

Complete knowledge of PHPBB/Mambo and other open source development.


Requirement : Team Leads -1


Programmers : 3 


Please contact jobs at fountaintechnologies dot net.




Amol S Chawathe 


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