On 10/9/06, Atul Sowani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am planning to have Tata Indicom broadband connection for my PC.
Unrelated to the technical part of the discussion, but I haven't heard
good things about Tata indicom's broadband. Problems typically start
even before you get the connection activated. Search google for "tata
indicom broadband review".
Few of the people I have personally talked waited 4 months for the
connection and gave up since they got broadband service from other
provider during that time.
I myself was considering Tata after my current broadband stopped
working a month ago (You telecom, earlier called Iqara) but I decided
against it after reading the horror stories.
Having said that, you may not have much choice, if no other ISP
provides service in your area. But please be sure that you jump into
this with full knowledge of what to expect.
1. I have nothing against Tata Indicom. I just wanted to warn a fellow pluggie.
2. There would be few people on this list who are happy with Tata
Indicom. Good for them.
3. Since lot of people had exp with Tata doesn't necessarily mean you
too will face similar problem.
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