> I also own Tata Indicom broad band, but I use the prepaid one. I would certainly love to help you out. the point is that i'm not much aware of how that prepaid get's connected. if you could describe the process you use to connect to net on ur windows i might be able to help.
> I have still not being able to configure my Net on SuSe 10.1. Infact, > recently I have purchase Novell SLED 10 and got that installed on my > laptop. > > But till date I have not been able to connect to Net through the > Suse. > Just because of the Net connection, I am forced to keep Windows on my > partition. > > As per your advice, I tried to access page at address but > nothing appeared on screen. I even pinged to the address, but I get > no > response. > it'll ping or get connected when u've a router. > Since there any other way, I can configure the connect. I have tried > also with Kinternet but it does not work, I does a CHAP > authentication > and then there is connection denied from server. > > Is there anyway, I can connect using PAP through kinternet? send me the process u use to get connected to internet through windows as of now. i'll try to sort this out for u. arun. -- ______________________________________________________________________ Pune GNU/Linux Users Group Mailing List: (plug-mail@plug.org.in) List Information: http://plug.org.in/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/plug-mail Send 'help' to [EMAIL PROTECTED] for mailing instructions.