On Tuesday 12 September 2006 19:23, Pushparajan V wrote:
> I dont know why guys asks this silly questions.. The best distro for
> desktop too depends on the choice of the user. a distro becomes best
> when it solves his/her particular problem. The best way to select the
> top OS is by reading from reviews given by many users world wide on
> internet..

Excellent paragraph, but unnecessarily marked with adjectives.. Anyway..

I just want to add that switching distro. has a cost in terms of relearning.. 
Sadly not many linux distros are compatible with each other in terms of user 
experience. That may be to differentiate themselves from others but it 
definitely causes confusion for newbies..

Quickly how do you configure network without resorting to command line. Watch 
for 100 answers that are all correct..

> you can always check out the most downloaded distro from,
> www.distrowatch.com

No. of downloads really doesn't matter.. I would rate your own experience the 

> and many other websites similar to these.
> Personally, i like fedora because i started with it and it had all
> developer tools without need for downloading from internet.
> Never used debian. But many like it.
> The best on desktop is ubuntu. But you must have a internet connection
> to get new softwares..

That is true for all the distros. You can stick to any distro., get a full CD 
set and you may get almost everything you need..

Fedora is good if it works for you and OP.. Stick to it. Either one can 
relearn a new distro. or get tv tuner card working under the same distro.. It 
is upto the individual case where the efforts are minimal..


P.S. I hate Grub.. I installed opensolaris on a spare harddisk and it changed 
the disk order in BIOS so that it boots off the opensolaris disk. It has no 
business doing that.. I just couldn't get it to work with lilo since.. It 
could have driven out a newbie nuts.. Certainly it did to me..

I wish distros would not upgrade unless the current thing is broken.. I guess 
that is why I use slackware..

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