On Fri, 2006-09-01 at 10:11 +0000, Ajit Kulkarni wrote:
> Hi all! 
> Can any body please tell me how to know in HyperThreading is enabled in linux 
> or not
try http://kbase.redhat.com/faq/FAQ_43_8560.shtm
If you see ht flag, hyperthreading is enabled.

> .also if it is notenabled then is there any command in linux through which I 
> can enable hyper threading without having to shutdown and going into BIOS if 
> Hyper threading is present
> thank you all for your replies in advace
in most probable case, this should automatically be picked up on most
new distros.

afaik, reboot would be required to enable this feature if not already

> Regards
> --
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