> Irrelevant post. Does not qualify even with a [COMMERCIAL] prefix on
> the subject line..
"Ok, we are on an Open Forum for Open Source technologies. Freedom is
the core of this movement " : so he is using his freedom for his business
why peoples are creating an issue ?
Well, some of the real smarties in this group believe that speaking
about Financial planning and personal investments amounts to talking
about Open Source technologies. So much for (some of) the frequenters
of our mailing list. IMHO, people can, if they are so keen on fighting
it out ... fight meaningful and relevant flame wars - where each post
adds value or gives out an informative message, either about the forum
or about technology.
btw Vijay Dinkar,
which softwares you are using at your place ?
if you are using LINUX BASED SOFTWARE in your office,
we will be with you !!! :) :) :)
- Somesh
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