On 8/18/06, Urvish Acharya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

1>I am not able to AUTO MOUNT my harddisks. I m making
some changes in "\etc\fstab" which i used to do
earlier with FC1/FC2 and it used to work properly.But
in FC4 whatever command i m giving in "fstab",shows an
error..i've tried by HDD type as "vfat"/"fat32" none
of them seems to be working..
plz help me out as i want to get rid out mounting my
hard disks every time i boot my machine.

The format must be like this,
<partition device name>   <directory to view tht paritition contents>
<partition type>  <mount options> <minor number> <major number>

For example, give like this, here /dev/hda5 is the windows partition.
/dev/hda5               /mnt/windows                   vfat
defaults        0 0
NOTE: /mnt/windows directory must exist

2>Can anyone tell me how to run JAVA programs in
LINUX?i mean i am not aware of where exactly /jdk/bin
is present..from where to compile and run the

In FC4, Java comes during install itself. but dont use that becoz its older
versioned and not present in locations that you want. so, download java from
sun website for linux and install it in a directory that you want.
in my system, i download Jdk1.5 with netbeans and installed under

thx & regds..


Rajan VP
<a href="http://deadend.wordpress.com";>  deadend </a>
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