--- Raseel Bhagat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi A G,
> On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 A G wrote :
> >Hi Raseel,
> >
> >I have downloaded PCLinux 92 and tried it.
> >Problem is, it just doesnt login to GUI.
> >A blank screen appears with hourglass mouse and the
> >screen is blank. Even after 1/2 an hour, the state
> is
> >same.
> >My comp is 450 MHz celeron, i810 chipset.
> what is your RAM ? 
> Usually the Live CDs need a lot of RAM. 
> I think the websites mentions 128MB minimum, but
> 256MB is recommended.
> Did you try logining in through the console (CTRL +
> ALT + F1) ?
> If you can login there, you can use dmesg to see if
> the Kernel spat out any X server related errors and
> post it on the PLUG list.

Hi All,

My comp is 450 MHz celeron, 256 MB, 5 GB hdd i810.
The PcLinux live cd doesnt login to GUI.
A blank screen appears with hourglass mouse and the
screen is blank. Even after 1/2 an hour, the state is
Ctrl + Atl + F1 take me to new console.
After entering login as root, the password prompt
doesnt appear. The machine just hangs at the username.
Giving username as guest also results in same case.

Pl help.


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