Hi Shirish,

> Hi all,
>          I know Atul has made Gcompris in  Marathi.
> Sorry I couldn't be 
> there but can anybody tell me how the presentation
> went?
> How much of the translation is complete? Is he
> considering to send the 
> patches upstream & if yes, then till when can we see
> it
> in any of the distros? Looking forward to see his
> work in the distros. 
> Thnx in advance.

Gcompris games in Marathi have already been launched.
We have added those games into our CD 'Sanganak
Saksharata Abhiyan'. If you want those games, either
purchase our CD (Rs. 35/-) or download marathi
gcompris from http://svs.org.in/Downloads.html

For any further queries, feel free to revert back.


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