OK, I am going to advocate slackware but I know that it cannot be in this 
race. So no points for pointing this out.
On Thursday 03 August 2006 13:00, Aditya Godbole wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm a bit out of touch with the latest and greatest distributions out
> there. I would like suggestions for a distribution that meets the
> following criteria -
> 1. For desktop use, for folks who cant use the CLI.

If you set up for them, yes.

> 2. Machine - Intel hyperthreading, 512 MB RAM, about 10G of disk space
> available for the system, no other fancy hardware. Net access via
> PPPoE.

No problem.

> 3. GUI based tools for system configuration.

> 4. Importing existing users during installation would be a great.


> 5. Option to skip bootloader installation.


> 6. No broadband access, so all software thats required should be there on
> discs.


I have set it up for my parents and wife and so far it is working as much it 


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